al and jo's christmas party

If you can struggle your way through the crowded masses of bright-eyed urchins and cheery festive shoppers, why not make your way to Shilo Estates for Al and Jo's 2005 Christmas Party?

Cognizant of the onerous religious preparations of this time of year, no special costume is required. However, we urge you all to prepare a one-minute item of entertainment - a pleasing poem or amusing song, perhaps - with which to thrill and delight your drink-sozzled fellows.

We will provide food (let us know if you have any dietary requirements, like requiring all food to be blue) and do bring some bottled refreshment and cheer. There will also be a jolly and wholly non-compulsory lucky dip for anyone who brings a present (don't spend more than a fiver!)

when: 8pm, Saturday 17th December